Young Adults Private Rental Entry Program
Providing comprehensive case management and outreach support for young people aged 18 to 25 years with an emerging or diagnosed mental health diagnosis and enable them to enter the private rental market.

About the Program
The Young Adults Private Rental Entry Program (YAPREP) supports young adults with an emerging or diagnosed mental health diagnosis and enables them to enter the private market.
This is not a crisis focused program. It is a co-case managed program where the YAPREP worker will work together with external services to support the young person to apply, enter and sustain private rental.
The program administers up to $2,000 brokerage to promote a smooth transition into private rental for the young adult.
Program support includes:
- Case management
- Outreach support
- Brokerage
To be eligible the applicant must be:
- aged 18-25 years
- experiencing homelessness but have stable accommodation in the short term (no crisis accommodation is available)
- case managed by existing services
- living with an emerging or diagnosed mental illness
- linked to mental health services and in the process of active recovery
- willing to engage in education, training and employment
- motivated to work on acquiring the skills to achieve their goals
- ineligible for public housing
- receiving case management support from an agency in the Western metropolitan regions of Melbourne
Referrals to this program can be made by agency staff from youth mental health providers, psychosocial rehabilitation programs or youth specific services.
Referrals must be made well before the young person is due to leave their current accommodation as part of their exit planning.
Agency staff should call to discuss potential referrals.
Referrals forms will be forwarded to agency staff and the applicant will be asked to participate in an assessment for the program.
Once the young person has commenced with the program, it is expected that existing case management and mental health support will continue.
Contact us
Phone: (03) 9304 0100
Email: yaprep@vincentcare.org.au