Young Adults Support Services
Supporting young adults aged 16 – 25 years who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of becoming homeless.

Young people make up 24% of the homeless population in Australia. This means that they often don’t have access to the supports they need in the early years of their lives. Young people need access to support to learn how to live independently and gain valuable life skills. Without access to family support and networks, the need for services and crisis accommodation is great.
VincentCare’s Young Adults Services provide short, medium and long-term support to young adults, aged 17-25 (16yrs for clients engaged with Youth Justice), who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
Our Young Adults Services delivers a number of other programs with a focus on early intervention and support. These include: outreach support, intensive case management, youth justice support, private rental access and portfolios to support the LGBTIQIA+ and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. VincentCare have a young adults specific Private Rental Brokerage Program to support young people to establish new rental tenancies.
Please see further links for our full range of services that support people under the age of 25.