Youth Justice Homelessness Assistance Program
Providing information and referrals to prevent young people unnecessarily remaining in custody because of a lack of support around housing and links to homelessness services.

About the Program
The Youth Justice Homelessness Assistance (YJHA) program is a statewide service that aims to provide referrals and linkages to young people aged 16 to 25 years, who are at risk of homelessness upon exiting custody.
YJHA can make referrals to homelessness services as well as provide general advice and homelessness and housing assistance to young people with youth justice involvement in youth or adult custody, and youth justice staff.
The program can also provide up-to six weeks intensive interim response for young people who exit custody and require assistance to be linked to homelessness services and other support services.
Program support includes:
- Referrals and linkages to homeless services
- General information and assistance regarding homelessness and housing
To be eligible the applicant:
- Must be aged 16-25 years
- Sentenced or on remand
- Likely to be homeless once they exit custody
Contact us
Referrals must come from Youth Justice. External agencies cannot refer to YJHA.
Phone: (03) 9304 0100
Email: yjha@vincentcare.org.au